The Gym Starter - Empowering Your Fitness Journey

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Your Post Baby Belly

As a Personal Trainer who deals with women, a fair amount.

Pretty much totally exclusively actually.  

I hear this phrase A LOT:

Me:  "Whats your goal?"

Client/Prospect:  "I want to get my Pre Baby Body back"

I used to think...GREAT...

I used to lick my lips and go...sweet another client who I can help, we can work on Fat Loss and I can make them feel great again.  

I used to think a lot of things. 

But...because I am a man of flexibility and response to this question from this day forth is going to change. 

And I hope for the better.


A woman who feels this perfectly entitled to.  Anyone is entitled to feel the way they feel I would never argue that.

But I would ask anyone who is becoming obsessed with a Pre-baby Body to really examine the reasons why.  

Women's physique has been one of the biggest Marketing Campaigns since billboards were invented...whether it was the Wonderbra Ads or Levi Jeans...

Women must look a certain way.

And if they don't conform..they aren't "beautiful"

Which we all know is a cold hearted, piece of bullshit. 

My Mother is one of the most beautiful women on this planet.  

My girlfriend (who is not a mother) is also in the same basket.  

When my girlfriend becomes a mother...she too will be incredibly beautiful.

But she will be different.  

She will have put her body through something that a man in a marketing suit can't ever comprehend.  She will have pro-created and re-invented herself to a point that I, as a man could never do.  

This is incredible.  And this is to be celebrated.  

Her body will have gone through so many changes, physical and emotional that to put yourself under immense pressure to get your belly flat again or lose all the "baby weight" is a pressure that is probably existing externally.  Not internally.

I would like women to consider this: 

Why don't you rediscover your fitness, your health and your wellbeing under the context of being someone who has had a baby.

As oppose to expecting your body to not tell one of the greatest stories on earth.


Your body reveals everything about you.  When I was training as an actor, we studied the way the body can reveal the history of an individual.  It tells the story. 

The whole story. 

I have scars all over my body...which tell the story of my Heart Condition.

My cousin has scars on his body which tell the story of his survival.

A Mother's body tells the story of their children and a beautiful time period in their life.  

Let's not adopt an attitude of covering that over.  Of trying to hide it. 

Let's look at the journey anew, fresh and to be relived. 

If that journey ends up taking shape and you being similar to how you were before you were pregnant then great - there is nothing wrong with that. 

But I would always encourage anyone to reinvent themselves for the future - not from the History books.  

Its more exciting looking forward....than it is to look backwards. 


I got this inspiration for this post from Instagram.  The source is below. 

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