Want to learn the fundamentals for losing weight, getting stronger and ultimately being able to empower yourself towards your goals for your fitness journey?


Hello, I’m Adam Berry.


I’m an Online Fitness Coach that builds meaningful relationships and helps real people, put in real work to get realistic results.

People just like you.

I want to help you learn how to build strength and confidence in your body, mind and soul.


Have you ever wanted to achieve any of the following?

✅ Escape the constant dread of dieting?

✅ Release the guilt you attach to eating certain types of food?

✅ Learn to stop worrying about “the pesky last few pounds” and focus on all your body can do?

✅ Become truly happy with what your body is and what is capable of?

✅ Enjoy the feeling of being stronger and fitter as opposed to trying to reduce your size all the time?

✅ Achieve all of this and still lose body fat at the same time without huge restrictions and slavery to a fitness regime?

✅ Do it all on your own schedule, in your own way, with a program specifically designed for you?



Upon completing your application I will send you a link to download my book “27 Ways To Faster Fat Loss” as a thank you!


Being able to know that I can take up a space in the fitness world as a disabled person is so empowering, and you have been a huge driving force in helping me to get there. You have 100% changed my life for the better, and getting a good friend out of it is absolutely the cherry on top - thank youuu!!
— Natalie South-Law, London, UK
I am so much more confident and stronger now. I know my body is capable of so much and I feel well equipped with nutritional knowledge to help me continue to live a healthier lifestyle
— Samantha Davies - Minnesota, USA
I have learned that small changes can lead to significant progress toward healing a broken relationship with food. I was intrigued by your compassionate and simple approach to fitness. The genuine, and humane treatment you extended by listening and responding thoughtfully left no doubt in my mind that you are the right coach for me”
— Amanda Hatch, Colorado, USA

Why Work With Me?

When you work with me my Coaching is completely flexible and adaptive to you - it is my job to Coach you based on your unique situation because it is your fitness journey to explore in your own way.

You will get stronger - as you follow a program that is designed EXACTLY for you and EXACTLY for your success - whether that be at home or in the Gym.

You will gain confidence - by constantly reviewing and tracking your progress. As you see the results, as you are asked to review the results, you will feel awesome about yourself.

You will learn to be consistent and patient so that you don’t give up in just two months when the going has got tough, you know you’re here for the long haul, as that is where your results truly exist.

You will ENJOY the process as each month you will sum up how you have handled what has happened, and set goals for the next month. You will get to evaluate your work-in-progress pictures, your weight, your strength, and how everything is feeling for you. If you aren’t enjoying it, it can be changed!


Working with you I have learnt that Carbs are NOT the enemy, you don’t have to eat less food to lose weight and nutrition is all about balance. I can eat the fun foods and still lose fat”
— Samantha, Minnesota, USA
I’ve been more comfortable in the way I look in pictures. I generally feel like I need to ‘suck in’ and look slimmer. But it’s not even that I’ve lost weight, it’s that my mindset has changed. I don’t really feel the need to be absolutely ‘perfect’ all the time
— Siobhan, Dublin, Ireland
I’m proud of how far I have come on this journey. I feel so much better both physically and mentally. I feel so much less stress around nutrition, and not focussing on an outcome has helped me in all aspects
— Amanda, Colorado, USA

What Do You Get Practically In Your Free Month?

It is my job to make sure you have everything you need to make your training an ultimate success - to help make that happen you get given all of the following:

✅ You get a completely customised training program with In Gym and/or at Home Workouts

✅ You get Nutrition Guidelines and Coaching reviewed weekly

✅ You get two 1-1 Coaching Calls with Adam to start your program off and then to review everything once the month is over ($100 value)

✅ You get access to my Email Video Course which is a step-by-step guide on navigating your training and nutrition.

✅ You get access to my exercise tutorial library so you know exactly how to execute your movements.

✅ You get unlimited support from me via Email and Whatsapp so you never feel alone in your journey

✅ You get weekly check-ins to track your progress - with an audio coaching response to help keep you motivated.

✅ You get unlimited access to The Fitness Collective which has over 250 workouts, Yoga Workouts, Meditations, TFC podcasts, Monthly Challenges, and every Manual I have ever written in it. ($250 value)

✅ You get access to my Free Straightforward Fat Loss Facebook Group.

✅ You get access to Monthly Step Challenges hosted in Stridekick.

✅ Your own Google Drive Folder that gives you access to all of your training plans, and where we will store the progress of your fitness journey.

✅ You get my book “27 Ways To Faster Fat Loss” ($20 value)

✅ You get the Beginners Bodyweight Workout Guide ($20 value)

✅ You get Hyperdrive Your Metabolism Workout Manual ($20 value)

✅ You get my High Protein Recipe Book, Low Carb Recipe Book, Vegan Recipe Book, Vegetarian Recipe Book and Om Nom Nom Recipe Book ($35 value each).


Who Is Adam Berry and Why Should You Care?


I am a multi-award-winning Personal Trainer, who works with people all over the globe on their health and fitness goals. I am also a featured writer for both online and print magazines, and have been featured by the BBC as a fitness contributor. I was born with a heart condition called Pulmonary Stenosis, and that has informed my whole life and how I want to live it. I had open heart surgery at 18 months old, and it was touch and go as to whether or not I would survive when I was born, however, through the grace of God I did. As I grew older I realised I had been given a chance, one that so many aren’t lucky enough to get, and therefore my role on this earth is to help as many people as I possibly can. To use my chance for good things for others. This is why I trained to be an actor and have been in films like Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, as an actor I knew I could keep people entertained and help them enjoy their lives in that way.

Then as time went on, I found the joy of coaching and helping others and have been known as The Gym Starter for over 6 years.

If through your interaction with me I can make your life even a little bit better, by helping you improve your relationship with food, teach you how to make exercise enjoyable and help you understand why you are an absolutely unique and wonderful person as you are…then my work is fruitful and lives up to why I am here, offering to help you.

If you want to hear more about my story then click on the Podcast Link at the bottom of this page.





Upon completing your application I will send you a link to download my book “27 Ways To Faster Fat Loss” to say thank you for being here.

Here is what working with me is really like…